Atlas of Ophthalmology

Serpiginous Choroiditis (OS, FFA)

Serpiginous Choroiditis (OS, FFA)
FFA showing a pattern of hypofluorescence represented by irregular areas of hypofluorescence, confluent and sometimes taking a geographic aspect. This pattern is caused by choriocapillaris hypoperfusion or non-perfusion. Note also the blockage of the fluorescence corresponding to the areas of RPE hypertrophy with staining along the edges. Inflammatory closure of the choriocapillaris is the mechanism at the origin of serpginous choroiditis.
Düz, Melek,, Augenklinik, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Deutschland
Choroid -> Infections, Systemic Disease -> Serpiginous Choroiditis (Geographic Choroiditis) -> Serpiginous Choroiditis (OD, OS, Colour Image, FFA)
Fluorescence angiography, ffa, fla, spectralis,
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