Atlas of Ophthalmology

Malignant Teratoid Medulloepithelioma of Ciliary Body and Iris, Histology

Malignant Teratoid Medulloepithelioma of Ciliary Body and Iris, Histology
Shown is an area which is most suspicious of malignancy. Some of the epithelial cells are arranged in rosettes superficially resembling one of retinoblastoma. Glial cells have a less prominent nucleus and are stained less intensely. PAS stain.
Naumann, G.O.H., Prof. Dr. med., Univ.-Augenklinik, Erlangen, Germany
Iris and Ciliary Body -> Tumors/Neoplasmas -> Malignant -> Malignant Teratoid Medulloepithelioma
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